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Body Image & Confidence Mindset Coaching


body image issues singapore eating disorder coach  

Are you struggling with your body image or want to heal your relationship with your body/food/ exercise with someone who can keep you accountable?

Your own story is unique to you and that is why I now offer you my Coaching service case-by-case basis!

My 1-1 Coaching service is suitable for you if you experience one of more of these.

You feel...

  • Feel pressured to look a certain way or fix your body by dieting or exercising
  • Might have lost your period for at least 3 months and not sure how to regain it and most importantly - KEEP IT
  • Find yourself guilty after eating certain foods
  • Tired from basing your worth/mood on the weighing scale or how you look
  • Want to start healing your relationship with your body & food
  • Want to stop jumping from diet to diet and stop counting calories
  • Want to have an accountability partner (whom you may be able to relate to) & start seeing changes and stop stressing out on all of the above 

I provide 1-1 coaching** which is customised to your own needs and what will be helpful is that allows you to feel comfortable and confident in your body - regardless of its size - because happiness doesn't just stem from your outer appearances.

There's more to life about it and I want you to see that cos I have "been there done that". It is mentally, physically draining & it can seep into the other areas of your life and affect your loved ones.

You may read my Eating Disorder journey here.

body image issues eating disorder transformation picture weight singapore



1. Click on this link to book a 30-minute Discovery Call with me where we can have a chat about your body image issues, eating/exercise patterns etc.

2. Start on a 4-month or 6-months Coaching where we have Zoom calls every 2 weeks to check-in on your progress, along with email support.

I take in limited clients at the moment - please book in a call from my calendar to see if we are a good match :)

*A minimum of 4 months is needed to see change as it takes at least 2-3 months to make a habit stick 

**Disclaimer: I am a certified Nutrition Coach but won't offer Nutrition advice if you are still recovering from Eating Disorder(s). This Coaching service is not for those who have severe EDs and would recommend to refer out to professionals.


body image dysmorphia singapore eating disorder